Presentatie ICAI Spotlight AI
Op 19 september 2024 presenteerden we GPT-NL bij het ICAI Spotlight event over AI voor Medical Imaging. Naast het potentieel van generatieve afbeeldingen, hebben we de mogelijkheden van taalmodellen onder de aandacht gebracht.
The AIM Lab (AI for Medical Imaging) is a collaborative initiative of the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence from the United Arab Emirates and the University of Amsterdam. It focuses on using artificial intelligence for medical image recognition.
Medical practice requires more and more interpretation of digital images. Human experts are expensive, error prone and get tired. Recent developments in image recognition, in particular through ‘deep learning’, have shown that computers can extract more information from images and are sometimes more reliable than people due to their increased accuracy.
In this presentation, we describe the possibilities of text-based generative AI and highlight aspects of Responsible AI in LLMs, as we do so with GPT-NL.